Calangute Workshop

Calangute Workshop



Taking photos is a time consuming task and you can easily become distracted by the potential subject matter and then become separated from your friends.

This was a roadside workshop where they were making gates using metal strips and while the two men were busy cutting metal, they were happy for me to look around and take my snaps. Their dog seemed to be content to sleep in the heat of the afternoon.



7 thoughts on “Calangute Workshop

  1. Great shot John, plenty of interest and lots to look at. Although I have never been to India, I have come across many workshops that have been run and staffed by expat Indians. What amazes me is their resourcefulness and improvisation skills. They will never say, ‘it can’t be done’. They will work with old and outdated tools (like that 2/3 in 1 drill come grinder) in your photo and still produce good products. Also , they will work all hours god gave in order to invest in a good education for their children. You have to admire them πŸ™‚

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